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Holobunnies: The Bittersweet Adventure Activation Code [full Version]

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

About This Game Holobunnies is a challenging and rewarding side-scrolling adventure game that happens across every corner of the universe. You play as one of the Holobunnies, Danielle the witch, Leenox the hunter, Roméo the bard, Mephisto the ninja and Avril the catcher which are hologram brothers and sisters, living together aboard their very own starship. Explore planets, fight with vile and weird creatures, meet with special and peculiar people, collect treasures and collectibles and ultimately; find a new home for you and your hologram buddies. Share the fun of exploration and fighting with a friend (or foe?) in coop mode.This campfire is a ceremony. The Holobunnies Romeo, Mephisto, Avril, Leenox and Danielle are mourning the fatality of their home planet, Groz'g Rhen. The Holobunnies family came back to groz'g rhen to salvage something really important in their quest to find a new home. THEIR JETPACKS. They must go deep in the ruins of their planet to grab them and leave this wreckage to find a new place to call their home... This is where the adventure starts; and after leaving aboard your starship, you'll start exploring the universe to discover a new planet to call home. Challenging and rewarding platfoming in a cute and uncanny universeTravel the galaxy aboard your starship with the help of your captain, Nate the Holomonkey!5 Playable Characters with each their own abilityDiscover hidden Golden Carrots and use them to "upgrade" your charactersHeavy and melodic soundtrack 6d5b4406ea Title: Holobunnies: The Bittersweet AdventureGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:q-bit GamesPublisher:Nkidu Games Inc.Release Date: Q1 2018 Holobunnies: The Bittersweet Adventure Activation Code [full Version]

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